Removing a judgement from your credit file can be a difficult process, but it is possible. Here are a few steps you can take to remove a judgement from your credit file:
1. Confirm the judgement is accurate: The First Step is to confirm that the judgement is accurate. Review the details of the judgement and make sure it is legitimate. If you believe the judgement is inaccurate or fraudulent, you can dispute it with the credit reporting agencies. 2. Pay the judgement: if the judgment is accurate, the next step is to pay it off in full. Once the judgment is paid, you can request a satisfaction of judgment from the court. This document confirms that the judgment has been paid in full and can be used to update your credit file. 3. Request a vacated judgment: If you are unable to pay the judgment in full, you can try to negotiate a settlement agreement with the creditor. In some cases, you may be able to get the judgment vacated by the court if you can demonstrate a valid reason such as improper service or other legal errors. 4. Dispute the judgment: If you believe the judgment is inacurate or fraudulent, you can dispute it with the credit reporting agencies. You will need to provide evidence to support your dispute, such as proof of payment or documentation showing that the judgment was obtained improperly. 5. Wait it out: If you are unable to get the judgement removed by any of the above methods, you may need to wait until it falls off your credit file. Judgements typically stay on your credit file for seven (7) years from the date they were filed. During this time, make sure you pay all of your bills on time and keep your credit utilisation low to help improve your credit score. Removing a judgement from your credit file can be a complex process, and it may require the help of a credit repair professional or an attorney. Trusted Credit Repair LawyersConsidering a credit repair company!
Our trusted lawyers can help you to remove a credit default. They will review your credit report, identify any errors or inaccuracies, and work to have them removed for you. * Our specialist Lawyers remove 9 out of 10 Defaults. * Most removal resolutions within 30 days |